The FOUNDATION TIER focuses on having coaching conversations (this could be with line mangers or peers for example) and on scaling up a coaching methodology that enables all staff to have access to conversations using a coaching skills approach. These conversations aim to improve performance, support the reframing of mindsets and embed behavioural change. Having conversations that focus on our resilience is about being open to learning and growth, being able to take risks because of a sense of being able to deal with the consequences of that risk and to understand the transitions that individuals will need support through. Evidence suggests that those with a growth mindset seek out feedback on how to improve, persist with work for longer and cope better with change.


A coaching model is a simple system or method of coaching that can help transform an individual or team from the state they find themselves in right now to where they want to be in the future.  Throughout this framework, we introduce a selection of coaching models, tools and techniques that an individual can use during their practice.



A growth mindset is the perspective that your skills and abilities can grow and improve over time. The idea is that a growth mindset is one in a constant state of flux that requires an investment of time, of belief, and of self to persevere through challenges and accomplish things previously thought impossible. It is the concept that nothing will hold you back as much as the belief that you can’t do something. The key is to change the language to demonstrate that all skills and talents can be improved.

Using coaching skills can support individuals to embrace challenges, use feedback and learn from failures and mistakes.

Even if you have no prior experience with coaching, there is a simple process that helps facilitate having a coaching conversation that anyone can follow.


Our culture is cultivated by the way people interact. If we are not truly, actively listening we have lost an opportunity. If we are not listening and asking questions for clarification and understanding, trust will decrease. Listening is situational and relational, meaning we listen differently in different contexts and scenarios.

Oscar Trimboli sets out how being a more effective listener can help empower people in his whitepaper Deep Impact – listening beyond words.

To find out what your listening blind spots and barriers are, try out the Deep Listening Quiz.

The 125/400 Rule explains why listening deeply and effectively is so difficult, and why you need to reorientate yourself to learn to become a better listener, not speaker. Whilst you can listen at 400 words per minute, you can only speak at between 125-175 words per minute.


In times of uncertainty and continuous change, our ability to uncover answers through inquiry, openness, and exploration can be a powerful tool. Don’t rush to react. Gather information to better analyse and ask considered questions that draw out more information or stretch the other person’s thinking, such as:

  • What else could you do?
  • If you are saying “yes” to this, what are you saying “no” to?
  • What is missing from this picture so far? What is it we are not seeing? 
  • What is the real challenge here for you?
  • Are there any steps you could take right away that would significantly improve your situation?

To facilitate exploration and help to expand awareness in a coaching conversation, remember to wait, process, and respond thoughtfully.


When issues arise, our first instinct can be to solve the problem ourselves or instruct someone else what to do in a given situation. Although this approach appears to work in the short term, it doesn’t make a meaningful contribution to the development or empowerment of the individual. One of the simplest techniques to shift your mindset to respond instead of react is to slow things down and get used to working with silence. Let go of how you want the conversation to go and trust in the individual’s ability to figure out what to do.

To facilitate a reflective and empowering space in a coaching relationship aim to stay present, stay checked in, breathe and let the moments unfold.


The GROW Model is a simple yet powerful framework for structuring a coaching conversation. The model provides a basic structure for any coaching session, and can be used flexibly to guide the coach and the coachee towards successful decisions, learning and actions.

GROW stands for:

  • Goal.
  • Reality.
  • Options (or Obstacles).
  • Will (or Way Forward).

You can find additional examples of coaching questions structured around the GROW model in the resources library.


The Introduction to Coaching and Mentoring game has been created specifically for those working in the humanitarian sector, this course will help individuals practice their coaching and mentoring skills, including the skills of framing questions, active listening, and assessing your own feedback. This game illustrates a combined approach with a one-hour learning module with accompanying learner guide, together with a short interactive game to enable the learner to begin to practically utilise their learning.


In partnership with UNOCHA, we have developed a Coaching Skills for Managers Programme that has been designed as a three months journey that will equip participants with knowledge in foundational coaching concepts, tools and models along with opportunities to apply the learning and receive feedback. The structure and requirements have been designed to enable learning in micro chunks with both self-directed and facilitator led sessions which maximize experience sharing and building community.

Open access courses will be run throughout the year and details on the next course can be found on our news and events page.


1. Pre-work

Pre work module outlining concepts, tools and practices and building a common baseline of knowledge. Access to a wider online system wide repository of resources on coaching.

2. Webinar

Core Learning Webinar Series of five, 90-minute sessions focused on transferring expert knowledge and space to practice.

3. Action Learning Sets

Two Action Learning Sets where participants go deeper into the application of coaching, share experience and receive feedback from both their peers and the facilitator.

Resources will be made available for organisations to run their own in-house version of the course. Details and a link to KAYA will be here shortly.

(Please note you will need to be logged in to view this content).

Coaching and mentoring are skills that line managers need to work on and develop, however the standard approach of sending managers off to a “line manager as coach” workshop for a few days has been shown to be ineffective. In this podcast, David explains how the line manager and the team form a system and systems tend to seek balance. He goes on to explain the critical role line managers play in creating a coaching culture within the team and the wider organisation.


David Clutterbuck, Professor of Coaching and Mentoring

Professor David Clutterbuck is a Distinguished Principal Research Fellow in Human Capital at The Conference Board. He is one of Europe’s most prolific and well-known management writers and thinkers. He has written some 70 books and hundreds of articles on cutting edge management themes. Co-founder of The European Mentoring and Coaching Council, for which he is now lifetime Special Ambassador, David retired in 2012 from the international consultancy, Clutterbuck Associates, which he founded. He now leads a global network of trainer-consultant-researchers, Coaching and Mentoring International. David is perhaps best known for his work on mentoring and consults around the world. His many books on mentoring and coaching include the classic Everyone Needs a Mentor.

Alternatively lets explore the PROFESSIONAL TIER focuses on technical mentoring relationships and our mentoring interventions.

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